Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Breaking tar files up to fit on DVD

Here is how I make nearly 30 GB of data fit on 8 single sided DVD-Rs and short instructions on how to recover them.

These are all of Lara and Tod's Photo's as of 14 September 2007.
"minnie" was the name of the computer I copied the pictures from.

This was the command used to create the archives
tar cvpzf - /home/shared/minnie | split -a 2 -b 4000m - /home/shared/minnie-backup.tgz

This should be the command used to restore
gzcat /home/shared/minnie-backup.tgz* | tar xvpfz - -C /home/shared

This will merge the 8 files togther and then un-tar them into the /home/shared directory.

To recover..
1) copy these 8 files to hard disk.
2) run the above gzcat | tar command aginst these files.
bighead@pacman:/home/shared$ ls -roth
-rw-r--r-- 1 bighead 4.0G 2007-09-16 16:46 minnie-backup.tgzaa
-rw-r--r-- 1 bighead 4.0G 2007-09-16 17:11 minnie-backup.tgzab
-rw-r--r-- 1 bighead 4.0G 2007-09-16 17:34 minnie-backup.tgzac
-rw-r--r-- 1 bighead 4.0G 2007-09-16 17:58 minnie-backup.tgzad
-rw-r--r-- 1 bighead 4.0G 2007-09-16 18:22 minnie-backup.tgzae
-rw-r--r-- 1 bighead 4.0G 2007-09-16 18:46 minnie-backup.tgzaf
-rw-r--r-- 1 bighead 4.0G 2007-09-16 19:10 minnie-backup.tgzag
-rw-r--r-- 1 bighead 172M 2007-09-16 19:11 minnie-backup.tgzah

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